5 Things Men Should Know About Women in Their 40s
08/22, 2016 dating-tips admin 6,581 views
08/22, 2016 6,581 views
Over 40 dating is definitely a bit different from when you were a teen. The truth is that a lot has changed in the way you and the person you are trying to set up a date with think, and you would have to account for it if you want to be successful. Furthermore, there are certain things that men should thoroughly understand about single women over 40 which are paramount to being able to land a date. Let’s take a look.
You Have To Mean What You Say
Long gone are the days of shallow “you look stunning” lies. You might tell the women across you that she is beautiful, gorgeous and sexy but if you don’t mean it she’ll notice. This is because single women over 40 are much more mature, and they are going to require your absolute and thorough honesty.
Single Women Over 40 Act Emotionally
While this might be true for all women, it’s especially true when you cross the 40 years threshold. This is mainly due to the fact that the senses of a woman are going to get sharper as the year’s progress, and they are going to feel much more emotional about every single thing, knowing that they are slowly moving past their prime.
Work Affects Single Women Over 40 Much More
If your woman has had a bad day, it’s definitely going to affect her emotional state when she gets back. Unlike men, who can come back home from a terrible day, pour a drink and think past it, women are going to be much more emotional, especially as age progresses.
They Are Afraid of Rejection
As women advance with their age and remain single, they begin to feel very worried that they wouldn’t be able to find the love of their life. With this in mind, every single rejection is going to cut like a knife, and you have to know that this makes single women over 40 very protective.
They Require More
If the girl you’ve been dating through high school wanted you to be a bad boy, dating single women over 40 is going to be much more demanding. This is especially true if the woman you are dating is very successful. At this stage of their life, women prefer someone who is capable of bringing in the security in home. That’s why you need to prove that you are worthy of ensuring it. Being well-mannered and handsome are just some of the things you would have to consider.